Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu Coach
The more time an individual spends on the mat sparing with his training partners the better they become at the game of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  Regardless of how many crunches and push-ups you do, and how much BJJ curriculum you study, how much you think about and obsess over jiu jitsu day and night, there really is no substitute for experience spent actually rolling on the mat.  Some athletes, however, get more from their training experience and improve more rapidly than others do simply because they set goals and have a clear focus on their mind as they spar.

For many students at my Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu School, lower ranks especially, the goal any time they step on the mat to train with a partner is simply to not get tapped out, or to minimize the number of times they get tapped out in a single period.  That is a reasonable goal and the basic default one for people who aren’t focused on any other aspect. 
For other students the goal may be to submit their training partner as many times as they can, however they can. 
That goal is also reasonable, but I feel that if you are only focused on those two aspects 100% of the time you may be forfeiting good opportunities to improve and expand upon your game. At his Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu School, Marcello Monteiro trains his students to be aware and stay focused on points being scored during the training, and to make it a goal to win the training that way, especially if no submissions occur. 
Another good goal is to try and arrive in positions that were practiced during the technique/instruction part of the class.  That way the material you just learned is reinforced in your mind and you are more likely to retain it.  I have heard some excellent higher ranks discuss how they try to work especially hard and often on weaker spots in their game during training. 
By doing that they leave themselves more susceptible to making mistakes but they grow more and expand their BJJ game overall.
Jon Correa, a current four stripe Brazilian Jiu Jitsu brown belt, recently shared with me his own personal goal that drives his training lately.  He has been focusing all year on never getting his guard passed, and he has become very good at doing that.  When his training partner thinks he is about to pass his guard, or gets close to scoring 3 points on Jon, Jon generally turns the tables and gets his opponent’s back. Ironically, Jon rarely even closes his guard, yet still rarely gets it passes.  That is just one example of how focusing on a goal can make you very good at that aspect of your game that you set your mind on.
Marcello stays highly focused on never losing position, never giving up the top position when you have it. That personal motivator has served him well over the years.  Whatever personal goals drive your training, make sure you have something that you are focused on when you train to get the most benefit from it. 
Knowing weaknesses, prioritizing, and setting personal goals is all part of the mental aspect of BJJ, and we all know that the mental part of the sport is huge.

From the first step you took as a toddler, to every single new step you take in life, the first step is always the hardest! An Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu Coach understands this and will help you make the commitment to give a spectacularly rewarding Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class a try.  All you have to do is make the first move and an Indianapolis BJJ Coach will take care of the rest!

       So why should you try an invigorating Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class? Well because they are:
  • Challenging - How many times have you decided to finally get yourself into shape a stopped short because you just weren't challenged?  Sure things were exciting initially but it didn't take long for that annoying 'boring' factor to kick in. With a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class you will always be challenged because they are varied in nature.  Your head and body will have to be on the same page at all times.  Working hard to progress forward and that's what makes it all worth it!
  • Focused - An Indianapolis BJJ Coach knows that if you are focused on what you're doing you will enhance your results.  These sessions require all your focus and you will be handsomely rewarded for this.
  • Educational - With these sessions you will always be learning something new.  If you are learning you are growing and that's an important concept in a BJJ Session.  These classes teach important life lessons on respect, integrity, perseverance, empathy, resilience and control of power.  The lessons learned within the walls of an Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu class extend to all parts of life.
  • Results Oriented - We are human and we don't tend to want to do anything without getting results.  If you pay for an apple you expect to get an apple.  When you do your job you expect to get paid.  Well the same thing applies to training. In a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class you will work hard and get strong muscles and a sharp mind because of it.
  • Socially Satisfying - We need social interaction to be happy in life and because of our high-tech world, we often don't get enough.  With a BJJ Class you will work hard beside an inviting and encouraging group, that will help you reach your goals and learn so much about yourself.  BJJ Sessions are incredibly satisfying in social respects and this is one factor that draws people to them.
  • Supportive - Of course most people won't last long unless the environment in which they are training is supportive.  An Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu Coach knows these class environments are uniquely supportive and will help you through the tough times on the road to your personal goals.
  • Positive - Positivity goes a long when trying to get yourself into shape while learning something new.  In a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class the focus is on the positive because if you want, it's pretty easy to find a negative in anything.  That in itself is self-defeating.

Believe in yourself because you can make the first step and get started in a BJJ Session today.  If you don't try you will never know and with the full support of your Indianapolis BJJ Coach you will discover just how amazing you really are!